Native American Day

For more detail on calendaring, check out our video: “Calendaring in State Court:  Steps and Traps for the Unwary”   * * *   There’s an accidental court holiday coming to California in 2015 © 2014 by Julie A. Goren It’s Litigation By...

Getting the Date Right

According to the American Bar Association, calendar and deadline-related errors are the leading cause of malpractice actions against lawyers (Profile of Legal Malpractice Claims 2004-2007, ABA Standing Comm. on Prof’l Liab. (2008)). In California especially,...

Urgency Legislation

For more detail on calendaring, check out our video: “Calendaring in State Court:  Steps and Traps for the Unwary” * * * STATEWIDE “COURT CLOSURES” ARE GONE.  “FURLOUGH DAYS” ARE BACK. On July 29, 2009, the Judicial Council voted to...

EJT and Mediation

[Want to be notified when another article is added? Just click here and “like” our Facebook page. You’ll see it in our News Feed and Updates.] California Expedited Jury Trial Act Opens New Avenues for California Mediators © 2011 by Julie A. Goren...

Electronic Filing in CA

Electronic Filing in California State Court 1/ by Julie A. Goren, Esq. Author and Publisher of Litigation By The Numbers® ©  2011 by Julie A. Goren, Esq. [THIS ARTICLE IS NO LONGER CURRENT.] Electronic filing, or “eFiling,” is just another one of the many “e’s”...
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