Testimonials from Law Librarians

“By our Reference Dept’s request, a few years ago this book was relocated to an area housing the most frequently used books. Our reference staff and patrons love your book!”

Orange County Law Librarian

“Litigation By The Numbers is a serviceable companion to self-help books. The line-item text format easily guides self-represented litigants along in a direct and concise manner. The vocabulary lists and glossary are wonderful tools to build confidence in understanding and navigating the legal process. Overall, a great resource for the self-represented litigant!”

San Mateo County Law Librarian

“My assistant says Litigation by the Numbers is a terrific book; it gives clear definitions and provides guidance on completing forms. She often refers to it when assisting non-attorney patrons; for example, she shows them the example provided in the book on preparing the caption for a complaint for personal injury.”

Sonoma County Public Law Librarian

“Litigation By The Numbers is an essential component of our collection.”

Alameda County Law Librarian

“Here at our library, we do not allow the book to circulate because we think it is best suited to pro pers over attorneys. … I will definitely (pull it from the shelf) when a pro per needs to do a motion and has no idea what a pleading looks like. The other strong points I see are the step-by-step organization and sample forms. … I also like the vocabulary section at the beginning of each section and again think this is most helpful to pro pers.”

Fresno County Public Law Librarian

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